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From the other side

( warning Covid Vaccination Post)

17 December 2021 ... A day that will forever be etched in the minds of many a Queenslander as D-Day - or the day of segregation. I am sure there is a similar date for wherever you find yourself reading this post from. I am referring to the day where the choice to be vaccinated or not became less of a choice and more of an obligation. The intentions behind this obligation are null and void for the purposes of this piece as intentions do not necesarily impact on the outcomes of the actions behind it, especially if that impact results in trauma for someone, somewhere. Throughout history (my favourite subject at school) we have seen and heard how nations, and countries were be enlarge adversely affected for the 'greater good' - wars for freedom, persecution of others for safety of a community or to preserve certain spiritual/religious beliefs, the list of contradictory actions for the greater good is as long as my two arms. What we didn't learn about in school was the impact this had on those living it. This piece will focus on that - the impact of the current climate as it stands. I have an intense dislike of needles - it was a phobia at one point. There is a reason. I remember as a young girl about 6 years old, getting sick at school. I was collected and taken straight to the GP who decided I needed some sort of 'shot'. I remember whatever was in the syring was radioactive red and I remember struggling against 5 strong adults (that's how many it took to restrain me). Regardless of the purpose or effectiveness of that shot, that is what I remember. The scenario was repeated some years later, and some years before. The result was an intense phobia, which later became much better managed as I grew older. To this day if I need to have a blood test or shot of some kind it takes intense mental preparation. I use lots of energy to remain calm during the procedure and am completely depleted of spoons by the end of it... or exhausted. The reason behind this being the trauma associated with getting a needle of any sort. When I have to get it because I sought an opinion it is easier to manage. But when I have to get it because I am told to I become openly and intensely defiant - some may even refer to this as pathological demand avoidance - as a result of the feelings of powerlessness and fear that is triggered. You may wonder why I am sharing this. The reason for me sharing this is to provide an opportunity for curiousity and reflection. In the past 6 weeks I have watched the world split in two: pro-vaxxers and anti-vaxxers, it has been an interesting experience to watch this unfold, because there are extremists on both ends of the spectrum. Also somewhere in there pro-choicers emerged - they are a little more grey, they are either vaccinated or not, however regardless respect others' right to choose. The pro-vaxxers are very outspoken about the anti-vaxxers being 'difficult and resistant' and anyone on bearing a shoulder falls into this category, whilst the anti-vaxxers throw conspiracy theories around like it is confetti and anyone who has born a shoulder is labelled a 'sheeple'. Both sides of this spectrum pro-vaxxer and anti-vaxxer share the same core emotion (Fear) and even the same trigger (anything COVID) and because emotions are high most of the time, it is hard to engage the pre-frontal cortex to exercise some objective reasoning. Which brings me exactly to the point of this long winded blog. Take a moment to consider the following: When you think about COVID and how it has affected your world in the last two years what is the first feeling that arises? What is your biggest fear? If that happens where would that leave you? and What does that say about you? your existence Now considering your answers to the above pick one word (in each column):

If you picked these :

Chances are you know exactly how the other side feels.

Whether you are a proud pro-vaxxer or independent anti-vaxxer is irrelevant in the scope of being a compassionate human being. After reading this I implore you to consider who it is that you want to be in the wake of adversity - and to consider how you would like to be treated when considering those answers that arose for you. Then I would encourage you to dig a little deeper and find a little empathy because it is a sure guarantee that what we have lived through the past two years has unearthed buried and not so buried traumas and vulnerabilities for many if not all of the people around us, friends, family, colleagues, aquaintances, and lastly dig even a little deeper to find some empaty for yourself because you have been through a lot the past two years and feelng how you do right now is totally normal and to be expected. *If reading this triggered anything for you please reach out and talk to someone.

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